Chapter 4

Walking into the house with a huge smile across my face, the smell ambushed me. It smelt like vanilla. Laminate flooring and magnolia coloured walls was all I could see. I looked around quickly then went into the living room. The room was massive. I’m sure I could have fitted all my belongings in that one space. Seeing the outside, I leant on the window sill admiring the village view. In my house there were a total of 5 rooms. 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and the roomy living room.

My house was near to the town centre but also near the fields and green country side. It was easy to walk everywhere even though I took the car for grocery shopping. Home was located in the middle of a village. All my neighbours welcomed me with nicely and I felt at home already.

Several reasons I had for choosing Sheffield. One of them is that it is far away from Middletown and far away from all the drama that happened there 5 years ago. Especially the Noah drama. I spent so long in my bedroom crying and wanting him to scoop me back up into his arms and that everything would be okay. But that only happens in movies and clichés. I hate clichés.

It has stunning, scenic views of the country side. Just what I love. And finally, I can start a fresh. New job, new life, new friends. Not that I want to erase my best friends! It’s just a new beginning and a new chapter in my life.

I can’t believe that I was living on my own! Twirling around with my excitement, I realised something. I can do whatever I want. When I want. Nothing was in my way anymore: I was a grown up. My parents weren’t there to guide me in the right direction. Well, what they thought was.

When I stopped spinning the room turned around me. Dizziness, that’s all. Its only when my eye sight began to haze and my throat started catching on fire I acknowledged what was happening. Reaching for the walls but they felt like miles away, tears built up in my eyes. Nobody knows what’s happening to me…What if I die? What if nobody finds me? Trying my breathing exercises which I was taught ages ago only made my lungs scorch even more and I could hear and feel my lungs screaming for oxygen. Not being able to hear, I became even more panicked. I wasn’t used to this happening now. I thought it had all stopped! My breathing became rapid and my knees buckled. I tried screaming for help but only a small whimper left my mouth. It was just me, in my house, all alone. Darkness greeted me and my body became limp.

Chapter 3

My journey was dull. The scent of fresh rain rushed up my nose as I drove down the rickety roads. All the way from Middleton to Sheffield it rained. Not just normal rain, sheets of it. Rain smashed against the top of my car and for a moment I thought it was going to collapse on top of me! Trees swayed viciously on the sides of the road and the low branches repeatedly whacked the side of my car. Hardly being able to see because of the ferocious rain, I sped up the wipers which pushed the water to the side.

I was bored. Incredibly bored. I decided to phone Lizzie. She picked up on the second ring; always picked her phone up immediately she did. “Hey Lizzie!” I began while checking my window mirrors for any oncoming traffic.

“Hey Poppy. Oh my, we haven’t spoken in ages…wow!” She babbled on. Lizzie is my best friend. We’ve not seen each other for ages. She’s always been busy of pursuing her dreams of becoming a journalist. 3 stories I think she has had in the newspapers so far.

“I know that’s one of the reasons why I’m calling actually. So, how’s being a journalist coming on?”

“It’s going AMAZING! Recently, I’ve just been offered and large story for a popular newspaper and they basically guaranteed that if I did well I could have a permanent job with them!” Squealed Lizzie.

“That’s incredible! I cannot believe your dream is actually going to become a reality…Wow, I’m so happy for you!”

“Thank you, I’m happy for myself as well!” Hearing her say this kind of stuff made me realise just how much I miss her. Always said things like that she did. I remember that she would always crack me up when saying things like that. It’s one of the reasons why I love her.

“Oh Liz, what’s the weather like near you?”

“It’s glorious. There’s not a cloud in the sky, I’m sitting outside sunbathing at the moment. Why?”

“It’s pouring down with rain and I actually mean pouring!” Living just half an hour away from where I was made me ask her. We never have weather like this. NEVER! Well it has rained but not as heavy and consistent like this though.

“Hmmm, that’s peculiar. Aren’t you like 30 minutes away from my house?”

“Yeah I am…Wait how do you know that?” Really confused I was at this point.

“Oh I have a tracker and locator on my phone and it tells me how far away you are. Great huh?”

“That’s really creepy you know. And anyway, I have to go. I’ll call you back yeah?”

“Yeah sure and sorry about the tracker thingy. Love you lots!” She then hung up.

Spending most of my journey thinking about the bizarre weather I forgot what time it was until the grumbling sound which was my stomach made its way to my ears. Why was the weather really rainy here? What does it mean? Stopping at a garage on the road, I brought some food and devoured it.

It was when the sun was setting and made the grey coloured clouds dark pink, I finally arrived at my house. I pulled up on the red and orange brick drive and in front of me was my home. A varnished brown door with the number 50 on it. Climbing out of the car I reached in my pockets for the front door key. I placed the silver key into the hole and twisted it.

Chapter 2

When I reached my bed I perched myself upon my unmade covers. Just reminiscing all the memories I made in this bedroom made me realise how much I was going to miss this place. My eyes started to haze over again and my vision became blurred. Telling myself to get a grip, I stopped the tears from cascading down my face. I thought about the amusing times I shared with Lizzie, Amanda and Ruth and when Noah took me to the Ballet and gave me the gorgeous ruby red dress. Oh so many memories that I will be leaving behind! I grabbed the last medium sized box from my bedroom carpet. This box was for the special things that mean a lot to me, the things I couldn’t bear to be without.

Starting with the silver,4 sectioned photo frame of me and my best friends which used to sit on my bed side cabinet, I packed my last objects. Then some random photographs of them which I cannot remember where they were taken . Finally, the things that meant the world to me, the things which Noah touched, the things that Noah gave to me, the dress and the ever so precious letter.

Brown tape now covering the opening of the box, I was ready. Ready for my adventure. A new start.

Calling down the stairs I beckoned my mum and dad to help me transport the boxes to my car boot. While doing so my mum let out more tears which this time did not stop. The box she was carrying now became splattered with water and became a darker brown. Once my car was packed, I have my parents one last hug and kiss goodbye and then I sat myself down in my navy blue Peugeot and started the ignition. My parents where hugging and once again my mother brawling her eyes out, making her sweater damp and spotty.

Chapter 1

Awoken by the siren like alarm, I pulled my overly warm covers off and climbed out of bed. Slouching my way over to my dressing table, I thought of what day it was. Today was the day I would be moving out of my parents’ house and travelling to Sheffield. But that wasn’t the only thing special about today. 5 years ago Noah, my soulmate, and I were separated. Never to be seen again. Apparently it was for the best…

I still think about him to this day and every day. Reading over the letter he wrote to me, my eyes start to haze with the water forming in them. While thinking of the time we spent together, a stray tear rolled down tired face. Once the letter was folded and placed onto my clothes, I walked to the window. Looking at the sun I whispered “I love you” whilst looking at the star. It glowed stronger for a second and then went back to its normal self. That’s how I knew that he, my Noah, did the same.

Skipping down the stairs I saw my mum crying into my dad’s shoulder. I knew why. She didn’t want me to go. She didn’t want me to be alone in the world. Acknowledging my appearance she wiped her face leaving it tearless but still shiny in the light. Feeling guilty I approached her and hugged her tightly and mumbled “It’s okay mum. I can look after myself you know!”

“I know honey but it’s just that I’m going to miss you so much when you’re gone!” She sobbed and another tear escaped from her eye.

“Dad please tell her I’m going to be alright and anyway mum I need a new start after everything that happened here”

“She’s right you know” my dad agreed “a fresh new start will do her good. Anyway she’s old enough to look herself. She’s a responsible one.”

“I know I know! I don’t know why I’m getting in such a mess!” My mum said.

“Thank you, now if you excuse me I need to pack my final bits.” And with that, I walked back upstairs thinking about the new opportunities Sheffield will have for me.

The blurb

It was almost 5 years since they were separated.

It was time for Poppy to move out and become an independent woman.

When she arrives in her new town, strange things happen.

Strange things which she knows the answer to.

Surely not. This could not be happening.

After the writing finishes

I made this to carry on the love story called Soulmates by Holly Bourne.

The reason why I am doing this is because the book was absolutely amaziny and I enjoyed it so much and after reading it I had so many ideas swimming around my head about what could happen “after the writing finishes”.

This is my first time attempting to write a story and I am going to say this right now that I am not excellent at English and writing books but i’m going to try my hardest anyway.

I hope you enjoy this 🙂